Hello everybody. I'm new to this program and discovered it for myself quite recently. I'll be so glad to be helped 
1) I'd like to get to know how to get rid of the buttons inside the blue outline and leave only the bottom 3 default buttons (sleep mode, shutdown and restart) I'm using Windows 11 Pro style.

2) Another one problem I faced is the button "All apps". It is so annoying, I'd like to hide it somehow. The only one way I've found is to set Apps style of Windows 11. It replaces the panel on the right that I really need and I'd like to get rid of the "All apps" at all. Is it possible?

3) The last one is the menu that appears when you right-click on the taskbar. By default there were none of these items on the photo except for task manager and taskbar. How to get rid of them?

Hope for answer. The program is really awesome.