Having to pay again for them to solve those bugs that should be solved since it is the same operating system seems unfortunate to me.
Curious that this is a mystery to some.
Start11 v1 was updated and supported for several years
Start11 v2 had 50+ additions and changes and now has a long history of updates itself.
We charge for new major versions (never minor) to keep features coming and to keep pace with the changes Microsoft has made to their products, namely the OS. We feel the sub $10 asking price is fair for this effort - we are sorry you do not.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Product Lifecycle Manager
From that point of view all developers who implement changes and improvements to their products should be paid more than once.
If one buys a product it is to receive support and improvements in the future, regardless of the amount or size they are. And that goes for operating systems, games, utilities, etc.
For example, Cyberpunk 2077 has received more than 200 improvements and fixes and I only had to pay once.
Windows 10 the same: it has received multiple changes and fixes over more than 9 years and I only had to pay once.
And I can mention hundreds of examples like that.
So, that Start11 v2 has multiple improvements is no excuse to charge again being at the end of the day an upgrade.
It's not an upgrade? don't call it Start11 v2! ah but you couldn't change the name because it works on the same operating system.
And it's not about what it costs but about respect for the user who believed in you and your product.
Seeing this, I wouldn't even think of buying a hypothetical Start12 knowing that later on a Start12 v2 version “with multiple improvements” will be released, and I will have to pay twice.
The problem with the tiny initials in the Start11 start menu is not from now but from the beginning, and being told that I have to upgrade, i.e. pay again, to solve it is unethical.
I repeat, it's not about money but about credibility.