Quoting spencerandlouisa,
Considering at some point the insider version becomes mainsteam it's seem very strange that your dev's are not testing against it... Something I do when I did dev and q&a for a major US bank.
We do not offer support because the builds you are using are highly buggy and contain things which may never even ship. Supporting that gets expensive fast.
Microsoft have been quite clear about this. Do not use those builds unless you have a very good reason to and do not expect anyone to offer you support. Without very expensive support contracts nobody sane will offer support on not even beta versions of Windows.
We have tested the build here and it is working on that insider build. There are also no other reports of similar issues so it is likely the issue is a local installation issue or configuration one.
I would use the reset config option in Start11 (having backed it up first) as a test to see if that helps.