The difference with the new layout, is that now time needs to be spent (Image 2) to do what was previously a direct action in the backups section (image 1)
Every click is a process however simple, it’s still a process. It’s not just moving a mouse, it’s also user experience.
I know I report a 6 monitor setup but I actually have 7. When needed (possibly a few timers a day) I turn on my Wacom Pro 24” drawing pad and sometimes it messes with my other 6 monitors. This is not a problem, a few seconds and it corrects itself. This isn’t always the case for Fences5. Sometimes during the monitors messing about because a new one has been connected, my fences change monitor.
This also happens with an nVidia graphics driver update, which can be regular, or some other random glitch due to Microsofts inability to deploy a hassle free patch update Tuesday etc etc…
Entering Fences5 was a simple process. It opened up to my backups page, I click on the visible snapshot and restore it or rename or retake it.
There’s a huge difference now “in my opinion”
After. More actions needed.
User experience, for me at least, now views this as a pain in the backside. It may sound pedantic, but it is what it is, to me.
If this was changed so as Stardock could rename Backups to “Layout”or to save a couple of MB of installation size, or some other unknown reason possibly like thinking it looks less cluttered, it doesn’t, Stardock saved a very small percentage of interface space and in the process added more actions, it hasn’t improved anything.