Improved No Card Mode including added War Room and Endorsement functionality.
Balance Changes, most notably a War Room usage limit per turn.
Added brand new parts into custom candidate creator.
Bug fixes and Quality of Life improvements.
Improved No Card Mode
Balance Changes
The goal of these balance changes is to limit overpowered War Room strategies and excess funds.
War Room
Added War Room usage limit per turn.
Added 10% increase in operative cost every time the operative is bought.
Increased Cheerleader initial cost from 300K to 500K.
Decreased Fixer initial cost from 1.2M to 800K.
Decreased Activist Judge initial cost from 1.5M to 1.2M.
Funds Reworks
Political Action Cards
Grassroots Donations
Donation Drive
Big Donor
Unsavory Donor
Party Figurehead
Party Planner
Event Coordinator
Mysterious Donors
Big Pharma Offer
Mysterious Photographer
Reply All
New Custom Candidate Creator parts
Slim, Chin, Elderly, Cheeky, Classy, Rigid, Wide Cheek, Bagged
Arrowhead, Ball, Large, Wider, Triangle
Short Cut, Sleek, Slick, Chunk, Wigged, Crisp, Little Bald, Little Flow
Squint, Bags, Somber, Eager, Focused, Hexed
Founder Smirk, Thick Smirk, Modest Dimples, Big Dimples, Shiny Teeth, Grin Smirk, Neutral Smirk, Big Teeth
Gameplay adjustments and Quality of Life improvements
Added Cohesive Primaries to Presidential game flow – if you win a Primaries game, you can go straight to a Presidential game.
Fixed Randomized Issues logic persisting between games.
Updated War Room tutorial text to account for card limits, price increases, and No Card Mode functionality.
Ensured events that give cards do not appear in No Card Mode.
Fixed HQ visual duplication glitch.