Hello everyone...
Wow, I doubt that Jorge will follow up with a favorable response for a skinning module, on the winstep site it's the kind of thing you shouldn't talk about like in "Harry Potter". To build a theme you have to deal with the different configuration files in the theme yourself.
1. Download and install the latest version of Winstep.
2. Download and install a recent theme as a reference.
3. Go to the theme file C:\Users\Public\Documents\WinStep\Themes\Theme Name
4.Open the different configuration files with Notepad++ .nxs "Docks", .wsa "Weather Module",.wsc "Clock Module",.wsf "Wanda Module", .wsi "Calendar Module", .wsl "Module Moon phase", .wsm "Cpu module, .wsn "Ethernet module, .wsp "Mails module", .wsr "Trash module, .wst "Menu block, task bar, btn start, tabs, tray section and all its contents", .wsu "Battery Module", .wsw "Shelf with its tabs" and .wsy "Ram Module". Change the different settings in these various files and save the change without closing Notepad++, restart the theme on the shelf open Themes tab If the change is not satisfactory, return the old setting and save to Notepad++.
This is how we get there, certainly in small steps but with time it becomes easier and we understand the different settings, in the absence of a "Skinning Module" there is no other solution.
5. The "Aero LowRes" theme is a very good theme that works but too old and not up to date as a reference for learning.
Avoid .ico and .bmp skins "Except theme thumbnail", all in .png with transparency with the software of your choice "Photoshop, Gimp or others with layer management..."
This is a start and with patience we can get there, we must never despair...