Dear team — I have a bug feedback/feature request please, that I think would dramatically improve usability. For context I am using "Windows 10 style with improvements", although this applies to all Start Menu configurations I have trialled.
When adding a items to the Shortcuts list and choosing "Display as a menu" (instead of the default "Display as a list"), please make it so that clicking on a folder opens it. Currently clicking on folders does nothing, you can only hover over them to proceed to the next sub-menu until you click on a file to click on.
Case in point: I use Start11 to tidy/streamline my Start menu, and as I rarely use Documents, Music, Pictures and so on, I instead chose "Personel folder" set to "Display as a menu" so aformentioned personel folders are available but grouped under one item. However, I cannot open them with having to right-click and doing a quick visual search for "Open file location" in the list which is cumbersome.
The bug in question relates to the menu crashing and restarting. I just tried this by clicking on "Personel folder", hovering over "Downloads", right-clicking, and before I could access the shell menu it crashed the menu. This happened twice, and the fix was to hover over "Downloads", and then hover over some of the presented files within Downloads. I am not sure why, it was like it encouraged Downloads to cache or something, then I could move the mouse back to "Downloads" and right-click it to open it as a folder in File Explorer. This same issue occurs from time to time when I add Google Drive folders to the Shortcuts list, which is the folder system I work out of.
Simply clicking on the sub-folders would both avoid the above bug and more importantly help increase the speed of the workflow dramatically.
Many thanks.