I had sent some im's to Steve, aka WebGizmos (https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/all/search/WebGizmos ), that went unanswered. Then I checked his facebook page and noted his last post was from July, 2023.
With apprehension, I searched the web, and found the link noted above: https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/mcall/name/stephen-welsh-obituary?id=52685660. So I im'd Lightstar, and RedneckDude to learn if they had heard anything...but no, they hadn't.
I im'd Jorge (JcRabbit), but he hasn't answered yet...he has a new baby at home, so that might take a while. Jorge was a generous friend to Steve, sending him a new computer when his old one went to the Pearly Gates Repair Service.
So, why rush with the obituary? Well, because knowing him, it seems pretty clear he's gone, and everyone should have people who acknowledge, love and miss them.
"See? I told you I was sick." comes to mind. We used to laugh about that one.
Since we talked often, he revealed he was having pain and tightness in his left arm. Well, it didn't sound coronary, but I advised him to go to the hospital. To make a long story shorter, and for me more bearable to tell, it turned out he had a Thalamic stroke. The pain and discomfort were severe, and pretty much untreatable...and the available options weren't available, really, with his health insurance. He therefore stopped skinning. This was around the time Xiandi made "Pressurized", I think. He had to use opioids. His dog, Kannon (his only companion) died well before him, sadly.
Because of an immanent ceiling collapse and rent problems, Steve moved to a new place, last year. He became scooter dependent for his mobility. He couldn't maintain his old truck.
In July, 2023 he entered Hospice care, and passed on in August 2023.
Anyhow, that's the story as far as I know...kind of disjointed, but that's how I'm feeling at the moment.
Rest in Peace, Steve. You were a good, kind soul who didn't ask for much in this life. Jafo, thanks for promoting him to Master, back then.
If anyone feels the urge, you can leave a comment on the link above for the funeral home.