Today we released the launch of the v2.5 'Ares' update and the Warlords Expansion.
This release introduces a range of new features to enhance player experience. The v2.5 update offers a preview into the Warlords Expansion, with certain features available to all players and others exclusive to the expansion. For clarity on what's included in the v2.5 update versus what's exclusive to the Warlords Expansion, please refer to the chart below.
War Aims
War Aims are a new feature for Galactic Civilizations 4: Supernova. When a war is declared, the aggressor civilization will declare a specific War Aim, which determines the scale of the war. This feature will help give wars focus and decrease the frequency of wars that drag on till one civilization is destroyed. War Aims can encompass minor skirmishes, taking a planet or two, and scaling up to more destructive conflicts. War Aims are available to owners of Warlords.
War of Defense
War of Expansion
War of Conquest
War of Annihilation
Invasion Tactics
Invasion Tactics allow the player more control over the nature of Planetary Invasions. They allow the player to make interesting choices at the start of an invasion for Core Worlds that affects casualties, planetary destruction, and the duration of the Invasion.
Planetary Assault
Orbital Bombardment
Surface Invasions
Biological Attacks
EMP Attacks
Shatter Attacks
Annihilate Targets
Capturing Starbases
Owners of Warlords will be able to capture Starbases rather than destroy them. To capture a Starbase, a player must engage the Starbase in a fight and win.
Capture Starbases
Edit Ship Class
Ship Classes are a new way of thinking about Ship Designs. A Ship Class is the Ship Type plus the Operational Ability and Targeting Priority. The Ship Designer is updated to focus on the Ship Class, each with a default Operational Ability and Targeting Priority. Those with Warlords will be able to edit Classes to change the Targeting Priority and Operational Ability before designing a new ship.
Edit Ship Classes (Operational/Targeting)
Ship Types
Ship Types represent a ship's combat specialization based on hull size. Tiny-hull combat ships can have a Fighter or Bomber type, each with a different benefit. We have introduced new types for Small, Medium, Large, and Huge hull-sized ships.
Operational Abilities
Operational Abilities is a new feature that is part of a ship's design. Operational Abilities give specific benefits such as boosting fire rate, increasing speed, and more. Existing ships start with a default operational ability. Players can assign a new operational ability when editing a Ship class with Warlords.
Giant Slayer
Focus Fire
Long Shot
Targeting Priorities
Targeting Priorities is a new feature that affects how ships behave in combat. Targeting Priorities updates Ship combat AI to go after ships in a specific order so ships can better take advantage of their innate bonuses and focus on their combat role. While all ships are getting a default Targeting Priority as part of 2.5, those with Warlords will be able to change Targeting Priorities in the Ship Designer.
Smallest Combatants
Largest Combatants
Return Fire Only
Capital Ships
Support Ships
Frontline Combatants
New Ship Components
New Ship components are being added to Galactic Civilizations 4: Supernova. Several new defense and weapon components will be available to all players with 2.5. More complex and unique components are being made available to owners of Warlords, including components that can increase the damage done to ships operated by species of specific biology, a component that uses damage done to repair itself, and Stellar Marines that can be deployed to take over a ship.
Point Defense
Neuroflex Plating
Diamonic Composite Armor
Gluon Disintegrator
Gluon Capacitation
Disruptor Pulse Array
Enhanced Phasors
Coil Accelerator Array
Neutonium Piercer Manifest
Neutronium Emitter Cannons
Enhanced Neutronium Cannon
Graviton Vortex Array
Enhanced Graviton Vortex Array
Quantum Catapult
Higgs Field Crusher
Cerberus Warheads
Leviathan Torpedoes
Furious Leviathan Torpedoes
Icarion Missile Cluster
Orions Spear
Triton’s Revenge
Klein’s Dread
Ion Cannon
Time Dilator
Assault Shuttles
Cloaking Device
Theron Ray
Shattering Pulse
UV Field
Vampire Module
Neutron Scrambler
Marine Berthing
Repair Nanite Cloud
Shield Bubble