I'm using the following configuration in Start11:
- Modern Style.
- All Programs List is enabled
- Open the list of All Apps as menu: enabled
- Search: Use Start11 Search in Start menu is disabled
(sadly - but the default windows search simply finds more than the Start11 search)
Now it all acts and looks as I like it.
But: I now have no way to select any program as "Pin to Start11".
1) There is no context menu at all that can be opened on items in the "All Apps" list when it is configured as "open All Apps list as menu".
That context menu only appears when turning the open list as menu option off.
2) The default Windows Search, which returns results only has "Pin to Start" (which pins to the windows start and not Start11 Start) on the context menu when right clicking on shortcuts or files it finds. One would need a context menu with "Pin to Start 11 / Remove from Start11" there
So the only workaround that is currently available (and is quite terrible) is disabling "open All Apps list as menu" and/or enabling User Start11 Search, whenever I want to pin or unpin something from the Start11 menu.
Thanks in advance!