(Feel Free To Ask My Wife Ha ha)
On the bright side, it means you can get away with most anything.
When i was first diagnosed It Did Seem That Way, the family were queueing up To Buy Me Things, Do Things For Me, But i am very independent and wanted things to stay as normal as possible. That Time Has Now Passed, right now i can easily work from lists, but what happens when i forget that there is a List, Fun, Fun. Vascular Dementia is nothing like Alzheimer's. Vascular Dementia can be more cruel, as the sufferer is completely aware of every back step they take, were as Alzheimer's sufferers drift into more Memory Forgetting Events, My Mum Had Lewis Body Dementia and she was oblivious to each back step.
I hear You Doc about the 3 Uploads per day, Is That A New Uploader Thing, as i can see other prolific posters with more per day, That limit sounds good to me as there are No Limits in say, This Topic, so the balance sounds good.
Hopefully all is well with my second upload, Thank you all for helping me, i know it can be frustrating helping anyone with Dementia