Hello, I am interesting in this subject.
Wich program or website Will you suggest me to begin using ia for wallpaper.
Any advice or vidéo tutorial to learn.
Have a good Day !
Hello Pipo78.
I will try to help with my limited Knowledge Of The Subject.
First Try to Google "AI Prompt To Image"
You will see so many results, some sites are better than others in that they offer different Models that give various results, I Like Nightcafe as it gives me all i need to create my own Desktop Wallpapers, When you have decided which site that suits you best, you register an account, and you are ready to begin.
Sorry As I Have No Video Tutorial , as each site works in a slightly different way. Some Sites will let you create Free Images, but these tend to be limited to a low numbers of images allowed per Day/week Etc.. This may suit you, if it does not, you may have to Buy credits Or Take Part In Challenges and or get involved in the community itself by Voting, welcoming new users Etc..
Once You Have Some Credits, You start to experiment by choosing Presents, Models and Styles and Settings Etc.. best suited to what you wish to create, each site will give tips and Pointers to help you choose. Remember, if you want a full screen Wallpaper as a result, you will always need to choose the 16:9 Aspect Ratio.
Then you move to your Prompt. Some Sites Work Best with Detailed Prompts, But i have found Less Is More for the site i use, indeed a prompt that is too long gives poor results with my site.
Think A Little about what you want to see in your wallpaper, and prioritize what is more important.
Example = If you want a Head Shot Type "Portrait" First Or Describe Some Form Of Head Covering like " A Silver Hooded" Etc.. this tells the AI more about what your final result will be. So Prioritize What's most important to you in your first Words, Long Prompts just diminishes the whole thing and will give poor results.
Then its all down to your imagination and Trail And Error. I have many Interest's concerning Computers and what they can do, right now AI has me hooked. We All Love To Theme Our Computers and AI Compliments this for me. Remember some prompts just will not work or more likely give odd results like too many fingers on a hand, or an extra shoe or leg, then you are in the "Negative Prompt" Phase, i am not the one to ask about this, look at my Work on all the pages in this topic and you will see some odd results on some of my creations. I am Still Learning, but each site has a community that will help you, should you ask for it.
Best Of Luck, Enjoy The New World Of Fun You Have Chosen By Using AI Prompt To Image.