Thanks as always for the detailed report of your experience and feedback. I think it may be helpful to slightly expand on section 1.2 by including a reason for some of the requests placed there
At a very high level, my goals are to:
- Lobby for more depth to the "Exploration" idea behind the 4X. I want see the minor factions as something more than a menu with a random planet "somewhere out there" that I'd never want to look at. I'd like to encourage players to visit minor faction worlds and click on things to see what is possible
- Submit requests that I think would add to the base-game experience that also contribute to modding capabilities.
1.2) Minor Factions
In general, it would be a major plus for the minor factions to feature their items on their own planets/units (flavor mostly). It looks like the minor faction UI is set to hide components
There's a couple of reasons behind this.
- Gameplay Awareness:
~Some of the minor faction items are hidden behind auctions (which is a good thing); some of which I didn't know existed until I was peaking at the game files. By having minor faction units/planets equip their own unique items it makes it possible to see what the minor factions have to offer while-in game.
~This is part of why I'm requesting that pirate ships have "looting crew" as a passive ability for their ships (TEC Rebel players that buy pirate units would then have access to it as well); if Pirate Ships have that ability then I wonder if I, as a player, can either acquire those ships or can acquire that ability - which I can as a capital ship component.
~Basically, I'd like to see these as hints that there are paths to acquiring these components/abilities.
- An extension of exploration:
~I want to encourage curiosity. I expect most people would be interacting with the minor factions via the top pop-up menu rather than from the minor faction's planet itself. Those who click on the minor faction planet would be able to see the planet items, as would players who click on the minor faction capital ships & starbases.
~Note that the most recent build actually hides all of the minor faction planet component slots & planet tracks from view - I like that this is possible but I'd prefer that it is only applied to militia-owned planets instead of minor factions, as it's impossible to see the minor faction planet components with the current UI - even though you can still give minor factions planet components on their homeworlds and the simple planet track components will at least allow them to slot in non-buildable items
- Spectacle:
To me, minor factions featuring their own unique attributes is something cool. This is akin to the civilization 6 city states being able to build their unique improvements. Sure, it's technically useless from a MP/competitive perspective. Still, I think it benefits single-players like me who love to click on a bunch of things to see if any details or easter eggs are present. This is how I notice that there's no research being done to unlock abilities.
1.2) Minor Factions
Pranast United
Would it make more sense for their homeworld to be terran, desert or volcanic?
Their flavor text indicates they’re the ones behind the Argonov Starbase; I was surprised to see that they don’t build any.
Would you be willing to let them have 2 at game start and then being able to build up to 4 total, as the game continues? (Wouldn’t using their own product boost confidence in its capabilities?)
Would you be willing to give them a planet garrison of 400 that is set to hold position? (so that they can replace lost defenses)
Jiskun Expeditionary Force
Would you be willing to let them research [Jump Inhibition Immunity] some point later in the game?
Would you be willing to let them build Jarrasul Evacuators?
Aluxian Resurgence
Would you be willing to let them build Akkan Battlecruisers?
Would you be willing to let them build Orbital Research Labs & research Psidar levels?
Would you be willing to let them build Trade Ports? (As a member of the trade order, wouldn’t they want to maximize trade within their own borders?)
Would you be willing to let them research “Garda Mark II Prototype”?
Would you be willing to let them build planet garrisons, but limit them to 200 supply?
Should “Looting Crew” be a passive ability for all pirate ships (Corsair/Rogue/Pillager)?
Thoughts on giving pirate defense platforms a boarding crew ability? (letting them capture the odd ship that reaches their base)
Viturak Transport Cabal
Would you be willing to let them build Antorak Marauders?
Would you be willing to let them build Lirtestra Research Labs?
The reasons behind these are:
- Expand minor faction behaviors (modding perspective):
I can't add new systems to the game. That might change when the modding tools come out later but for now I'm assuming that if it capabilities aren't already in the game then they can't be added later
~such as minor factions being able to research things slowly as the game progresses
~such as minor factions being able to research/complete planet tracks slowly as the game progresses
~such as minor factions being able to build starbases/structures (via script or with the default AI)
~minor faction/minor faction diplomacy, such as them fighting amongst themselves (the mods I hope to make would be added as minor factions - it'd be cool to make them hostile to each other while set them as default allies to everyone else)
- Expand minor faction behaviors (art perspective):
If the TEC Rebels, Tec Loyalists, Vasari Exodus & Vasari Alliance are the major factions, then I'd expect:
~Pranast United & the Aluxian Resurgence to have basic similarities to the TEC, although per the lore Pranast probably has more in common with TEC Loyalists meanwhile the Aluxians more closely resemble the TEC Rebels
~Jiskun Expeditionary Force & Viturak Transport Cabal to have basic similarities to the Vasari, although per the lore they probably have more in common with the Vasari Alliance
~Pranast United is the one behind the TEC starbase; this makes me assume they're defensive. So, why don't they spend the game slowly researching improvements to their hull/armor/gauss/shields? They don't build any starbases either, or build defensive structures
~I was surprised that the Aluxians didn't add the autocannon to their Gardas. I was also surprised that they weren't building Trade Ports on each planet they conquered. They were the de-facto leader of the Trade Order right? So isn't their reason for expanding to find more worlds they can establish trade with? I was also surprised that they didn't use the TEC PSIDAR to monitor the space near them
~The Jiskun Expeditionary force seems inclined to survey; but they can't research phase jump immunity for their scouts? As Vasari, wouldn't they be traveling around with vasari colony capital ships?
~The Viturak looked research/mobility focused to me, so wouldn't they be using the Antorak Marauders (faster movement) while building orbital labs (for aesthetic purposes, to lean into their research appearance).
- Reduce how static the minor factions appear:
We call them minor factions, not militia. So I'd expect them to try and build themselves up as the game progresses while they move around. Sure, they can't "win" but them just sitting in place for the duration of the game is... unnatural. It makes them look like props on a stage instead of being a local power.
~Not every minor faction needs to be on a rampage like the Aluxians either; something small such as having the minor faction AI slowly patrol around their homeworld in a circle would help tons.
~It'd be cool to have a minor faction go around building starbases (via the starbase component) on all worlds it deems friendly and then upgrade them. It wouldn't impact confrontations between the players, but I imagine it might make a player less inclined to randomly attack that minor faction in the late game
~It'd be cool to see minor faction fleets exploring the system and engaging one another. As is players can fight each other over minor faction worlds but you never get to see minor factions fighting each other over player worlds.
For a summary, I want the minor factions to give hints about what they can do. Players can click on each others units to see what's equipped to get an idea of what's possible for one another. Minor factions are supposed to be limited versions of players, right? Otherwise we'd have just called them militia, right?
I do want to reemphasize that I want to hide the planet components & planet tracks of militia-owned planets from the UI. I just don't want that to also be the case when I look at minor faction planets. Also, there are no militia-owned planets in Sins2 right now. Sometimes in Sins1 you would find a planet owned by the militia guarding it - I've been hoping/assuming that will make a return in Sins2. For a visual:
- Players Factions are fully fleshed out
- Minor Factions are mini players; the can use the same systems as the players can but are quite limited and thus not a threat in terms of victory conditions. Players can make use of them through their abilities and through their auctions.
- Militia Factions would be non-players that just hang around until conquered.
I play single player on the big maps; so the minor factions are one of the things I'd like to use to make the game feel more alive. I tend to lean more into the 4X aspect of sins while enjoying the RTS-like ship combat it has. I see them as the wild cards
Sorry if this was longer than you wanted Ramma, my requests usually aren't just based on a single reason. But if I were to oversimply everything down to a single reason I could say this: "Because it's cool!"