This looks to be the product I was after for managing my putty tabs, so far it has been useful but somewhat frustrating.
I'm having issues with trying to show a group of minimized putties. Starting with the group minimized, I click it in the taskbar, and most of the time it will just briefly popup and then minimize again. If I have multiple groups I have been able to get the 1st group to reliably show by clicking the first group in the taskbar, it opens then closes again, and then I click the second group and the first group will open?!
If there isn't a second group, I can get the single group to open by clicking, waiting, clicking again. Though this isn't predictable/reliable.
Did a quick search in the forum and I can see possibly related notes in the version log?
EDIT: Just attempted to create a new group of putties by dragging one over the other. This was successful but my other group of minimized putties suddenly showed up. Possibly related.