Everything I write here is intended to be a suggestion/idea – please don’t read this as if it’s a list of demands. My aim is to provide feedback in a constructive tone, which can be difficult via text.
1) Gameplay
1.1) TEC-Rebels - Overall I like their feel. Most of the following comments/ideas are intended to lean into their flavor
· I like that they don’t use garrisons now; instead they hire pirates. That said, I’m kind of surprised that they don’t also summon mercenary forces (like the Vasari Alliance does – but pirate mercenary ships are hired instead of dark fleet forces being summoned so the ability could have a usage costs like credits/andvar). to go to a planet in range, engage the enemy and then any survivors would depart. A variation of the TEC garrison. I don’t want to give up the ability to slowly build up a permanent pirate fleet either though..
· I don’t know if this is a recent change, but their homeworld bonus applying up to 2 gravity wells away is a nice change compared to how it felt previously.
· Can the Pirate Corsairs, Pirate Pillagers & Pirate Rogues that are permanently added to player fleets, from the pirate mercenary base, also benefit from the TEC shield refits? Note that I’d advocate for the NPC pirates to remain shieldless by default. I made a mini-mod adding a new research to do this & liked how it looked; although the pirate rogues do have those side autocannons that can poke through the shield (I reused the cobalt’s shield) – but they’re pirate ships so maybe ‘janky’ is their style..
· For the novaleth cannon, would you consider increasing the range from [4,6] AU to [6,8] AU? I don’t want them to be shooting across the entire map, but from playing on annulus placing them on orbiting planets doesn’t really help as the range is pretty small
· I still think that Insurgency would be cooler if pirates ships spawned once [Truce Amongst Rogues] is researched; they could spawn alongside the [Insurgency] as allied NPC pirates (say 50 supply). Pirate Corsairs, Pirate Pillagers & Pirate Rogues can spawn as [art of the 300 supply once both [Truce Amongst Rogues] & [Pirate Mercenary Base Prototype] are researched
· Thoughts on Smuggler’s Den reducing the cost of hiring pirate mercenaries? Something small, like a 5% discount.
1.2) TEC-Loyalists – Overall, I like the feel of this faction. They have a solid defense with the garrisons, especially as you place them around their worlds.
- I like that the TEC Loyalist’s homeworld garrisons supply is improved by the research now
- I still think that the [Hardened Defenses] research should apply to their Starbases too. Part of me would also like to see it applied to LEV Construction Frigates & strikecraft owned by structures (not ships) in the gravity well, but then it’d go beyond the name a bit too far..
1.3) Vasari Alliance
- Thoughts on [Intercultural Exchange] becoming a Starbase component as well? Could Starbases with this component also serve as TEC trade ship destinations? Not that the alliance would be able to build trade ships itself, but rather it’d function similar to what the minor faction trade destinations do.
- I’m struggling with this one from a gameplay-feel perspective. It looks like they’re intended to use the Dark Fleet, but that fleet just ‘visits’ for a short while and then departs, which is odd to me. If I understand correctly, the alliance wants to take a stand and gather up as many allies as possible. I’m not sure what the balance tradeoff should be for the alliance to permanently ‘recruit’ the dark fleet similar to what we saw in sins rebellion. In compared to the Exodus, the alliance feels… lackluster?
- With what I sad earlier though, I would like to see the current dark fleet tower retained/renamed and tweaked so that it calls in a random assortment of TEC/Advent/Vasari ships (the alliance). Depending on interest/resources:
- Can the ‘quality’ of the spawnable ships be modified by diplomatic-type research (assuming some variation of it returns – in the current iteration I suppose this’d be the culture research)? Initially only corvettes can spawn, then corvettes+frigates, then corvettes+frigates+cruisers, then corvettes+frigates+cruisers+capital ships (at LVL1)?
- Can these ships use colors/icons/player-names that weren’t used in the game setup? Ideally they wouldn’t look like player units. For example, the TEC ships would be owned by the “Tondam Corporation” if no TEC player with that name is present in the game, and would take any random pairing of colors that aren’t used as well as any unused TEC symbol. The Vasari Ships could be owned by “Korsul Armada” and use a color set not present in the game as well as an unused Vasari player icon. Same thing again with the Advent.
- Alternatively, since the minor factions are revealed at game start, could the Dark Fleet tower pull in units from the minor factions who visit for a short duration to help out? The units I suppose would not literally be owned by the minor faction but would be setup so that they are displayed as if they are (so that they can be hostile in the gravity well they’re summoned in without setting them as hostile overall).
- I guess my wishlist for the Alliance’s flavor is to:
- permanently summon Vasari ships from the dark fleet to a target planet (like the pirate mercenary base)
- It can approximate the TEC garrisons by using it’s towers to summon an allied fleet to a target location
- For its Advent allusion, I’m not sure what it could do as I haven’t really seen them yet.
- Would it be possible to give them earlier access to phase gates than the exodus? With them wanting to fortify themselves to engage their pursuers, wouldn’t it make sense for them to set up their network? I don’t think the costs should be reduced,
1.4) Vasari Exodus
- Overall I like the feel of this faction, especially with their mobile empire setup. I was surprised they let go of the dark fleet summon, but I guess they’re the ‘fend for yourselves’ kind of crowd? Eating the debris of destroyed things suits them perfectly
1.5) I’m still sad that the gameplay options have remained blocked out. Per another forum post it was stated they’ll return later. Considering the changes to combat with this patch, I’ll update my feedback from the previous sitreps slightly.
A concept/request:
- Master toggle for “Competitive – Fair” (presumably what the game would be balanced for)
- Toggle to allow/disallow planet bonuses/artifact spawns (would use the default settings)
- Toggle to allow/disallow minor faction spawns (would use the default settings)
- Toggle to allow/disallow planet orbits (no speed control for the orbits here, though)
- <presumably a couple other QoL type options that the MP crowd would have more accurate thoughts. My only goal with these is that they’d be simple and not too numerous.
- Other Gameplay Options, that would be adjustable if the competitive toggle is off. These would ideally all use a slider
- Research Rates
- Ship Build Rates
- Income Rates
- Health Points
- Armor Points
- Shield Points
- Antimatter Points
- Ability Cooldowns
- Movement speed
- Map Details options, these would also use a slider
- Orbiting Planet Speed
- Planet Bonus/Artifact density [0%,100%]. If the game is capable of permitting more than 2 planet bonuses/planet then the upper limit could be raised to w/e the limit of the game is
- Map Details Options (this would only appear for random maps), this would be more of a checklist
- Enemy militia faction - only one option could be chosen. It’d be cool if additional options could be modded in later
- Random
- TEC (this is the current system)
- Vasari
- Advent
- Pirate
- Planet Composition - this would be checklist type thing. Only selected types can spawn. It’d be cool if additional options could be modded in later. Default setting would use the guidelines set in each random scenario
- Default
- Volcanic
- Ferrous
- Ice
- Desert
- Terrain
- Asteroid
- Moon
- Minor Faction pool – this would be a checklist type thing where only the selected ones can/will spawn. Ideally you could also set the number of minor factions permitted to spawn.
The main purpose of allowing this kind of customization without modding is to enhance replayability by allowing for a wide variety gameplay experiences. I think these stay true to high-level, global modifier type things.
1b) Gameplay - AI
1b.1) Unit Abilities
- The Docking Booms component on TEC Starbases doesn’t seem to trigger its autocast when structures are damaged
- Can AOE abilities be set to distinguish between the number of ships in vicinity or does it only count supply? Some offensive abilities would be nice to have an autocast that checks for a set number of ships in range vs number of ship types in range. Not just for human players, but to help out the AI players.
- For example, the Kultorask titans abilities should be more interested in triggering based on the number of ships in range
- The Kortul’s “Jam Weapons” should be more interested in the ship type. So if it sees an enemy capital ship or titan in range it will trigger, or it’ll wait for a set number of ships instead.
- The Skirantra’s Nanite armor AI only targets capital ships/titans & maybe cruisers. Meanwhile “Replicate Forces would target the “best” ship in the gravity well, with a preference order determined by ship class: corvette<frigate<cruiser.
1b.2) AI players
- I haven’t seen it excavate any of its planets
- It doesn’t seem interested in culture structures currently
- I have seen it split its fleet to engage multiple planets at the same time; it’s cool to see this. (Its deathball tore through a fortified world of mine. Then it then split off 500 supply to attack a poorly defended interior planet while taking the other 1600 supply to attack an adjacent border plant. This was exciting to watch, although chasing them down got hilariously more tedious because of it..