We start with seeing that:
11,99 €... yeah, why not....
then we see that:
Arg... 11,99 € just for an annual year... so I clicked "Need a permanent license"" and have seen this:
Then I have think... I have a fences 4 subscription... let’s try to see the upgrade option:
Excellent... let’s see the price then... and here the cold shower:
Thanks for the offer... there’s just an error... it is not 46,90 € - 44,58 € = 2,32 € of discount (so a 4,077% discount (that’s look so generous, isn’t it - jk inside) but...
44,58 - 34,99 = 9,59 € so an increase of 27,40 % (their discount sucks... but when they shear a sheep they don’t joke anymore...
Well, or you don’t explain everything, or you just try to rob us...
By the way, 44 € for this software... you joke, doesn’t it? I have just bought Opus 13 36 € (yes upgrade) with 2 years update and believe me, the software has 35 times more value than fences 5.
Please, Stardock, wake up... cause at these prices, you will loose a loyal consumer since 2008.