Sorry to hear you are having issues. I can not tell from your screenshot, you already on Fences 5.04, yes? If yes, look like its not properly installed. This is what appear on my system. On mine there is "Open" button, which appear if its properly installed.

Please try purge and reinstall steps as mention here :
[Link]. Just make sure to re-download the latest version from your
account page. Reboot after the purge. Reinstall and reboot again after the installation. Retest and report back here.
Thank you,
Stardock Community Assistant.
I followed those instructions. Purged Fences.
Rebooted my PC, followed the link in the email about product keys that got sent to me.
Downloaded Fences and installed it. But it wasn't Fences 5 when I ran the configuration.
I think it was a free version of the old Fences. Install file was called Fences_public_sd.exe.
Anyway, I had to search for a download for Fences 5.
This was Fences5-sd-setup.exe.
This installed OK, and when I put the product key in on rebooting my PC, I now have Fences 5 back.
But my Object Desktop Manager is still the same as it was before.
IE I get a Fences Button with a configure button next to it.
Then a Fences 5 Button with nothing next to it.