I consider this issue with the taskbar buttons getting garbled every time I click on the start menu while the taskbar being centered troubling to say the least.
You SHOULD take your full time on fixing these things. I paid for the original Start11 and then I paid again for the Start11v2 only to find a program that is half working.
We are using our PC's all day long. Do you have any idea how tiresome is, having to restart the Explorer every time the Taskbar gets corrupted?.
You cannot provide software that people is paying for it to then ignore what people is complaining about. Can someone please answer me on what should I do with my taskabar?.
You've marked the "center taskbar" with autohide as Experimental and yet, this is the DEFAULT behavior of Windows 11 if this program weren't installed and the whole issue I'm having is that the taskbar wants to align the buttons to the left and it is corrupting the Start Button and the first button after the Start. It shouldn't be THAT hard to fix it somehow seeing as I can partially fix it by applying a custom Start Image. Yet, I still get corruption in the form of a line.
Either fix it or tell me WHERE should I look to fix it. Or at least, give me a reply if you are taking a look at this case. You should have a ticket system where we can report issues that you can actually follow up. It's very very annoying and it generates a lot of frustration to have to read about tons of forum posts only to see that no developer ever answers to you.
Since no developer seems to really care about my issue. Here is a fun piece for you...
Hey there, Stardock Start11 Wizards!
So, I've been playing this fun game called 'Spot the Glitch' with your software. It's where the taskbar buttons decide to throw a party and garble themselves every time I dare to click the start menu. It's like a surprise party I never wanted, especially with the taskbar playing hide-and-seek in the center.
I've invested not once, but twice in this rollercoaster ride - original Start11 and the sequel, Start11v2. It's like buying tickets to the same movie, hoping for a different ending. Spoiler alert: the taskbar is still the villain.
Living life on the edge, we're all glued to our PCs. Imagine the sheer delight of restarting Explorer every time the taskbar decides to throw a tantrum. It's my new workout routine.
Now, here's a wild thought: when folks pay for software, they might, just might, want it to work as advertised. Shocking, I know! Could someone kindly tell me what sorcery I need to perform with my taskbar?
And about the 'center taskbar' marked as 'Experimental' – isn’t that just Windows 11's everyday fashion? The taskbar seems to have a mind of its own, aligning buttons left, right, and center, corrupting my Start Button. I tried waving a magic wand (a.k.a. custom Start Image), but all I got was a mysterious line of corruption as a souvenir.
So, dear magicians, could we either fix this spell or maybe, just maybe, get a secret map to the solution? A simple 'We're on it!' would be music to my ears. And hey, how about a ticket system for us adventurers? It's like going on a quest through endless forum posts, with no wizards in sight to guide us.
Looking forward to your owl (or forum post, whichever is faster).
Hoping ChatGPT-4 can finally make you see reason.
Alex, clearly we have let you down multiple times and the situation is beyond repair.
I have issued you a refund for Start11 v2.
I am sorry our product did not work for you and that you found our commitment to our clients lacking.
This is the problem of having to deal with a forum thread to solve issues.
Stardock is a small company which works similarly to large companies. Even MS has forums with volunteers who try to solve frequent problems of other users. When a volunteer runs into a problem they can't solve, they send it to Support to help solve.
This is simply the model in use in many places. Of course, you want the most skilled worker to solve your problem as quickly as possible. So do many others. It quickly becomes obvious that approach is untenable as is hiring many highly skilled people, as people object to pricing increases...
So...you're back to information gathering and folks who know how the software works trying to help new users, or even experienced users who run into problems.
If you have a better way, suggest it.
I agree. I think using a forum is better in many cases. Often times many problems have already been resolved or involve simple solutions such as a setting change. Not to mention I would wager there are way more users who can help. Of course it doesn't work in every case (sometimes a bug is a bug) but it's nice to have many people working on a problem.
I'm not sure what other system would be better. Different maybe but better maybe not.
The forums are indeed the best place to aggregate feedback about a product release. Most issues have a beginning (the report), a middle (it being worked by many), and an end (a resolution). If more proof of this is needed, look no further than Reddit.
However, one thing I will try is to update the 'known issues' portion of any release thread when I place a ticket for confirmed issues (I do this in the thread itself, just not that 3rd post all the time). With that, its easier for a (new) person to readily see if their issue was reported and that it was logged internally.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Product Lifecycle Manager