The software must be able to work in all non-edge cases, without exceptions. The video I'm about to show is not an edge case and should be functioning correctly. Sorry about the abysmal video editing, as I downloaded the software just for this case so it was completely new to me. I pixelated my name from the start menu but ended up pixelating much more than intended, which obscured some of the content I was trying to show.
The video shows me using Start11 v2.03 to open Groupy, Fences, WindowBlinds, and Start11 from their shortcuts on the Start11 menu. All four apps are grouped together into one group, which violates several rules. Although I pixelated the video excessively, it is clear at the end that all four apps are in one group. I can send you the unedited video if required; I just wanted to keep my name off the internet for privacy reasons.
The screenshot below the video shows how I have set up a Stardock tab and added some apps to it. This is where I opened the apps from in the video.
I believe the most critical rule, which should never be violated, is that Groupy, Fences, and WindowBlinds are set to "Never automatically group", yet they do so anyway. A previous picture in this thread shows these rules being set.
Here's the video: Video of Stardock Apps Auto-Grouping
My laptop is using Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (0S Build 22631.2715)

Speaking of Start11, it's really amazing. Choosing the perfect layout among so many options can be overwhelming and I'm enjoying the process of finding the right one for me. The team has really done an outstanding job in creating this powerful tool.
I used to have a great experience using Groupy too, but at present, I don't even turn it on due to the reasons I've presented. I look forward to hearing how these concerns can be dealt with and the situation can be improved. Please remember that others have expressed their concerns with these very same issues and it is not just me.