Still does not play nice with Windowblinds skins that have custom sized borders. My skin has 1px bottom, left & right borders. Draws the Tabs bg on file explorer/outside explorer a few pixels outside of the frames as shown below.

Skins I have tested it with included with WB11:
Acrylic7 - Same results as above picture.
Corporate - Same results as above picture.
Diamond - Same results as above picture. But almost in the window frames. Just a small sliver of the line is rendered outside the border.
Echo - Same results as above picture.
Eva - Same results as above picture.
Ice - Same results as above picture.
Lantana - Same results as above picture, but the Tab bar in other applications fits to window size.
Luna - Same results as above picture.
Mac Classic - Same results as above picture.
Modern - Works as Intended
Percision - Same results as above picture.
The Captain - Same results as above picture.
Win8 - Same results as above picture. But almost in the window frames. Just a small sliver of the line is rendered outside the border.
Win8 Metro - Same results as above picture.
Windows Classic - Same results as above picture.
Other Skins:
Aero11 (Mine) - Works as Intended
Edge8 (Mine) - Same results as above picture.
eXperience11 (Mine) - Same results as above picture.
SteamPowered (Mine) - Same results as above picture.
SteamPowered23 (Mine & Upcomig) - Same results as above picture.
Fl8t - Same results as above picture.
Cadnium - Same results as above picture.
7 for 10 - Works as Intended
Playroom Starlight - Works as Intended
ZERO - Works as Intended
Grape - Same results as above picture.
There has to be some weird thing going on with how the rendering of that line/tab bar background.
*Side note, it would be nice if the tabs/tab background/buttons had windowblinds11 skinning functionality.