With "show only one combined button" enabled, if you un-group then re-group one of the grouped icons, the next time you hover over the icon, ONLY the preview of the re-grouped item appears, instead of the previews of all of the grouped apps.
After entering and leaving sleep mode, a duplicate of the combined icon appears in the task bar, and shows all of the apps except for the one which was re-added. If you hover over the original combined icon, it only shows the app you re-added, but it no longer functions as a working icon.
When saving Firefox into a group, after opening the group, all of the apps maintain their correct order except for Firefox which always appears first in the sequence of tabs.
The order of the apps in the hover-preview of the combined button doesn't correspond to the order of the tabs as they're grouped. This behavior is inconsistent -- sometimes reorganizing the tabs does change the order of the app previews.
The combined tab window doesn't have the options of the currently-active application. At a minimum, "maximize" and "minimize" should be available in addition to "close window".
Check for updates won't save when I change it to "on".
EDIT: Additional info... if you un-group and re-group additional tabs after the first one, the hover-preview will show each new app re-grouped in the order that they're regrouped (not the order of tabs). It's almost as if it "starts fresh".
EDIT 2: Firefox does not retain accent colors when restoring a saved group.
EDIT 3: Occasionally Excel fails to fully "integrate" with a saved group after the initial opening. When dragging another app in the group around the screen, the Excel window lags behind in the background, and also appears maximized after minimizing another app in the group. After minimizing Excel, it appears to work normally for the remainder of the session.
EDIT 4: Closing a tab in a saved group breaks the ability to see the hover-preview of the apps on the combined icon. If you reopen the application you closed and re-add it to the saved group, the tab accent doesn't return.
EDIT 5: Occasionally the combined icon (not hover-preview) only shows one/some of the grouped apps, instead of the 4 it should default to when 4+ apps are grouped.
EDIT 6: Now one of the duplicated icons is off-centered vertically

EDIT 7: For some reason two of my apps have duplicated themselves and created their own icons in the taskbar. This may have been due to attaching to an external display. The icons are non-functional:

EDIT 8: On occasion closing apps leaves an artifact that won't disappear until Groupy is killed and restarted. I believe hovering over the tab while closing it causes this:

EDIT 9: Occasionally when dragging apps out of groups, they will snap back into the group. This has persisted for many version of Groupy.
EDIT 10: Added videos -
Hover-Preview Bug (note I did NOT actually re-group Firefox, it snapped back into the group by itself): https://www.mediafire.com/file/8nw65xxd3ota0u5/Preview_Retention_Bug.mkv/file
Firefox Accent Color and Position Bug: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ww15wkj5xyt4y8b/Firefox_Color_and_Position_Bug.mkv/file
EDIT 11: Additional bugs discovered:
Inconsistent behavior when merging groups with 3+ tabs: https://www.mediafire.com/file/v7t31ftiom9gemx/Weird_Behavior_When_Merging_Groups_with_Over_3_Tabs.mkv/file
Closing a tab in a saved group kills the hover-preview. This doesn't seem to be the case in a group that was created ad-hoc, since it seems to "refresh" each time a tab is added/removed: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jklp6m7i3vsqe48/Closing_Tab_in_Group_Kills_Hover-Preview.mkv/file
Groupy Version: Groupy 2 -
OS Name Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
Version 10.0.22621 Build 22621