Uploaded dream file Shark + Friends, users have let me know the dream has a bad download link, and can't be downloaded! Please review and help fix. I tried a new upload but didn't help.
It looks like the webpage at https://skins15.wincustomize.com/34/94/3494355/50/14455/Shark+%20Friends.Dream might be having issues, or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Try to upload it again, cyberslober.
I pushed the Shark and friends you uploaded a couple-few days ago without a glitch. If the dl link was borked back then you should have mentioned it in a pm. I've asked for help straightening the dl link out.
It should be fixed now.
Cyber did...but it fell through the cracks in my HD ...
Good job guys! Glad it is working!!!
Thank you you all, I really appreciate the help!! And a special thanks to you teddybear for your help!
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