I'm working with a new install of Windows10 22H2.
Working with discord I've had an issue crop up with audio files uploaded to discord. Either it won't play, or selecting further along it does play, and moving the mouse off the track it stops playing. Hovering over the position indicator without pressing any mouse buttons auto adjusts the time of the position indicator. Pretty much making audio in discord useless.
One fix I found was to run discord as admin. However this prevents dragging and dropping files.
Pressing on I disabled all stardock items in services, rebooted. I was suspected it was either windowblinds, windowsfx, or deskscape causing the issue.
I've isolated the issue to windowfx.
Applying discord to the excluded lists to windowblinds, windowfx, group or wherever else I could failed to work.
Everytime I've developed the bug in discord to get it working properly again, I've either had to copy my discord files over from my old install, or resinstall discord fresh.
Currently I have all stardock products running, discord is working fine as expected, and have turned windowfx features off, and have had to fully disable windowfx services from starting on reboot and despite having discord as an excluded app in animations tab.
I've seen this or a very similar issue crop up for other discord users online and the problem and solution for the most part is random and seems to have eluded them, similar to Audio files stop playing unless the mouse is over the "pause/play" button? : discordapp (reddit.com)
Doubt the issue is solely a stardock issue, but windowfx may be instigating something?
As it currently stands if I want discord to work unmolested, windowfx is dead in the water and unworkable.