Do any of the Stardock product all for returning or managing the right click menus in file explorer or desktop? With Windows 11 right click buries the things I used most (cut, paste, new). I have Start 11 (Great piece of software by the way), but would welcome an additional capability (either in a new or existing StarDock solution) for managing the right-click menus in file explorer and desktop.
Hello,Sorry to hear you are having issues. I believe, currently there is no Stardock Software product that can do that.
ThanksBasj,Stardock Community Assistant.
Thanks so much for such a quick response.
Hi, what xactly ae You missing?
Cut, Paste, New, edit with. Turns out they are there, but moved to "more..." which, in my case, impacts productivity. These are items I used a lot.
How to fix Windows 11's right-click menus | PC Gamer
Nice find. Picked up NanaZip, too.
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