I think that is way too many and I am not sure if Object Dock was ever meant to be used that way, (even though there is an option to create multiple docks). For what you are doing, Fences would be a better option.
It is said that Object Dock is not compatible with Windows 10/11 and the reason why is because support and updates have ended but a lot of people still use it without any major issues, I use it and it works fine on my Windows 10 computer, I also still use RocketDock from time to time and it was abandoned years ago, I don't experience any issues with RocketDock either.
I use a dock for my most used programs, usually what is on my start menu and maybe a couple extra, I would never consider using it for as many programs that you are, if I wanted to have that many programs organized on my screen, I would use Fences which is also what JanOscar is suggesting you take a look at.