We really need more communications and posts from you guys. At least once a week. We want to know you've read our posts, we want to hear your thoughts on the concerns we've raised. We want to know that you're real people and not corporate robots. I'm sure I sound a bit like a crybaby, but the last Dev post was the launch date of the Alpha, and that was almost a month ago. Don't think we didn't notice you re-mapped the release schedule without an accompanying news post. Pretty please, get an intern to type out something to read, no matter how little information it actually contains.
Hey there, we're real and we're here I promise
. Yarlen does monthly dev journals, those can be found here: https://www.sinsofasolarempire2.com/blog and then our plan is to release monthly updates to the game. The majority of those updates will come with a news post that would also appear in the link above, or via our social media accounts.
Like Yarlen said above, the devs hang out in Discord and do their best to answer folks while they are also cramming on the development of the game. Even if we aren't replaying to your post, we do read every single one of them. We really appreciate the support and feedback from users like yourself and will do better about responding quicker. Happy hump day!