Hi mate hope you are well.
I remember the word "Working" way back last year causing a bit of dispute when we trialled Explorer patcher with WB 10. It does seem WB 11 has a fair few teething problems to get to a point were Working is a true statement. You are one of the first i have read saying it mate, that makes me happy to hear "No Issues So Far". I thought the Beta would be for me, then i read the numerous reports about WB 11 creating problems for plenty of users and decided against the upgrade just yet as my set up is a bit complex as you know, i am looking forward to a point were i can install it. For me that is not right now. Glad its going well for some users though.
I am doing well
Of course beta # 1 has always been destined to have the most bugs as it reaches a far larger audience to test it on then the few pcs beforehand. Betas are supposed to have more work to make a final product.
That said, it is still a pretty big step up from using explorerpatcher to get windowblinds 10 working. Windowblinds 11 basically is windowblinds 10 except it is now programmed to work with the Windows 11 command bar and the start 11 / windows 11 taskbar. So this allows for two Windows 10 parts to no longer be required on my Windows 11 setup. I don't know about you, but I do not want to use Windows 10's ribbon menu or even Windows 7s command bar over Windows 11's. Also, with explorer tabs making their way onto devices that will be yet another feature to not take advantage of if you use Windows 7/10 parts on Windows 11.
I think right now,, the main reason to skip and wait for a newer beta to be released will be for hdr enthusiasts. There very well could be people that require them.
Also, with explorer tabs about to become the thing on windows. I think we may start to embrace new skin artwork and that in itself is going to take time to catch up and hopefully we see new skins that compensates for that. As always artists are going to be a big part of windowblinds 11's success.