Completely agree about Putin and Xi - how did these deluded dangerous men get in charge, and why don't the people around them get rid of them? Presumably because they only got there because of them...
Due to the fact they are not Democratically Elected. They rule with Fear, if you can be swept up of the streets and Jailed or they are Disappeared for calling an Invasion an Invasion. To Have Secret Police who do what they do, installs fear in a population, the people did not Put Putin or Xi into power, but they can cause a toppling of there Governments in very rare circumstances.
And so many of that number were sold on the outright bullshit lies Boris told them about the benefits of leaving and xenophobia about immigration. His platform is built on small-minded middle-England isolationism feeding the Daily Mail-reading empire-nostalgic self-righteous idiot public.
I am None of those, i was not Sold on anything, neither am i small minded, nor Middle England or isolated and i certainly do not read the Mail.
As you say just over half of the UK Voted for Brexit, and you have just Insulted, several times over, half of The UK Public. That is Democracy for you. I Guess you must have been in the losing side, i do not think Badly of the Losing Side nor feel the need to Insult those that lost that Vote, that is just how Democracy Works and is far better than the people who live in China and The Russian Federation get.