He's been around a while and has about twice as much Karma as I do [which says something - not sure what].
Super Wizop DrJBHL has been dragging his heels at 'Level 7' way too long.
Welcome, aboard, Seth...
Thank you all for the warm welcome back I did not want to be away as long as I have but been a long road just to get back to the gate. Any way thanks for invite to stay a while I think I will. BTW It seems this is like hot rods, loud music, no matter how old you get once it in your system its never going anywhere we(skinners) are a life club just depending on situations sometimes you might be have to take Hyades!
So thanks again every body
Seth ,doc my friend sincerely Congrats
Thanks, Harley. From the heart.
You're a mainliner, bud. You'll never shake this habit, and I don't want you to try.
You have a message on Skype.
Congratulation Doc.
😉 thanks, bud!
Congrats, Doc!
🖖 Thanks, my friend!
I'm a bit late to the party, well a lot late and all the beer and pizza is gone, but better late than never, I guess.
Anyhow, congrats on a well deserved promotion, young man, I can't think of anyone more deserving than you, Doc, me ol' mate.
Level 7 heh! Is that louder than 6? [a take off from the Spinal Tap movie, hehe]
Level 8, actually....no-one plays at 11 here ....
Thanks Cap'n!
What is a Super Wizop anyway?
The Promotion Levels :
I'm a 8 he's a 7 ...what are you 4 or 5 ?
4 I think..
Admin/Mod/Wizop levels can be different if viewed from different sites as access levels aren't always required to be universal.
On the principal sites for Doc's control he's an '8'.
Similarly my levels showed up differently...whether I was on one site or another until only recently....
5, but not sure why.
I vote we start calling our new Super Wizop by the name StarDoc.
Cos you're a Jack of all trades...and a Master of none...
LOL, Ditto Paul!!
I was at a 0 for a bit but was promoted to a 1 due to my hard work at creating a profile.
Do I hear the throaty roar of my Ps revving?
I like that
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