2nd - I guess it's not just on boot. I am used to having to manually group the 3-4 windows every time that I boot, but if I open a 'new' window they always are not grouped automatically. So it's likely not a boot issue.. I just see that every time, so that was my thinking..
This is what I want to work on 1st.
With the Lite version installed, I can't reproduce what you are detailing with version 12 I installed today...
One would not expect those DO windows to be open upon reboot (unless there is a setting to make that so) to be grouped on reboot if DO is opening prior to the Groupy service being enabled (usually services are 1st) but I'll test and report.
Arguably the best feature included with updates for Windows was this one, to restart apps that were open when the reboot was called:

That said, 'restartable' is the keyword there and could be a reason why I did not see DO start at all post-reboot.
Switching to the pro version, it seems there are options to open the last 'listers' you referred to:

I could manually group (as you noted) but not auto group when opening other DO instances. It would follow that this issue would last past reboot. What did work was grouping them automatically by the dopus.lister as you noted:
Oddly, switching back to the 'Lite' version has it failing to auto group under it as well now, odd...
While I will but it internally, it very well may be something the DO people need to contend with as we are able to group like 'classes' by just the main exe. EventViewer would be an example.
In any event, I have logged it and will report when the devs have had the time to look it over.
Internal ref: ODNT-4432
Sean Drohan
Stardock Product Lifecycle Manager