I have a feature suggestion for "Fences" - could you integrate it with Windows 11 virtual desktops so that different fence groups can be displayed automatically on different virtual desktops? It looks like the VirtualDesktopManager exposes an interface to detect which desktop is active (may require a top-level window ON that desktop to call it): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shobjidl_core/nn-shobjidl_core-ivirtualdesktopmanager
Reason for my request is that I currently use different virtual desktops to segregate my work (i.e. "Normal Stuff", "Music Composition", "D&D", "Gaming"). Each desktop ideally has a unique background and unique set of icons (or fences) for the task at hand - for instance the music desktop could have a parchment score as the background and appropriate icons to launch composition software, recent projects, MIDI settings, etc.
I used to use the "Dexpot" program to manage this when Windows own virtual desktop support was non-existent - it would allow for different backgrounds and icons (by re-writing the "Desktop" folder dynamically if I recall, it was clunky but worked!). However, it doesn't integrate well with Windows own virtual desktop, had file copy issues (you never knew what folder you were really in when working on the "Desktop"), and isn't well supported. Fences could nail this for the win with transparent integration with what Windows already provides - on Win11 multiple backgrounds and easy switch between desktops is well supported, the icons/fences are the only thing lacking.
Dexpot did have one other neat feature, the ability to run programs when entering/exiting a particular desktop - that might be more of an Object Desktop type feature to consider as it's beyond Fences' scope. A cool use case there was being able to launch a task to alter power settings - going to the "Music" desktop, for instance, totally killed any screensaver/auto-suspend of the laptop so I could use it at gigs and not worry about the laptop suspending and killing all my synths while getting a beer between sets.