Hi PhoenixRising1.
I should have been more clear. The main problem using WB10 in Windows 11 is all about Explorer and how different the ribbon at the top is between the two.
Windowblinds 10 can be installed on a Windows 11 system as a lot of us have tested it out, but explorer almost each time it is opened crashes . I and stardock and a few others would be interested in seeing how far you can take this, if you have the time can you test out more skins and see how stable explorer remains.
Stardock maybe not be able to work this out even though other theme makers have created add ons , yourself with explorerpatcher and myself using Old/New Explorer and can make things work, i am sure someone will jump in and say this or that.
The skin you are using is a basic one from your image, any chance you can test this on other more Robust skins, something much darker or something far removed from what looks like a simple Skin, maybe one that makes the desktop look very different from the one posted.
This is intriguing and i am very interested in your results, so please do not see my reply as any kind of criticism as it is not, you seem to be moving with the times, Windows 11 is here to stay so what you and others are doing is just keeping up with what's new, if it is ok i will pm you.