Community Translations
We are creating this thread should any community members wish to post translations for languages or updates to ones that already exist.
The Languages that Stardock supports and will update:
Portuguese - Brazil
Chinese (Simplified)
Chinese (Traditional)
All other languages will not be directly supported by Stardock nor will they be included in any install.
Where are language files stored?
For Stardock applications that support language edits, there will be a 'lang' directory in the application installation folder. For example, Start11s would be:
\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\Start11\lang
An app that does not support language edits would not have that directory (Fences would be an example of one that does not).
The .lng files listed there are human-readable text files - easily edited in notepad for example.
How are language files formatted?
The format would be:
'English text'='translated text'
English (en) file example:
"Which theme do you want to use?"="Which theme do you want to use?"
Spanish (es) file example:
"Which theme do you want to use?"="¿Qué tema quieres usar?"
For prime languages that have variations, Chinese (Traditional \ Simplified) or Portugues (Brazil) for example, the following line needs to exist:

If you wanted to add a notation to a line, to describe a reason for some translation perhaps, you can use the semicolon as an escape character.
;Changed from
;"Which style of start menu would you prefer?"="选择「开始」菜单样式:"
"Which style of start menu would you prefer?"="选择「开始"
Note: The English file included with the installer should have the most recent phrases for everything in the UI. If the phrase does not exist in the currently supported alternant language, adding it, with its translation, would be required.
Submitting languages
The following post would be an example of what would be acceptable to have it be considered for inclusion.
Line number (Notepad++ has them for example):
Old Text:
New text:
Shared link to lng file: <link>
One should be sure that the text fits in the UI, for example, this would be unacceptable:

We will monitor this thread for submissions and evaluate any of the Stardock supported languages for inclusion in an official update \ installer.
We will do the same for any unsupported languages, and update this thread with them, but they will not be included in any official installation file.
Clients that do summit translations for the aforementioned Stardock supported languages, and they are accepted into an install, will likely be compensated with non-monetary items - for example, new or extensions to Object Desktop subscriptions.
We appreciate any effort members put into this.
Sean Drohan
Stardock Support Manager