Sure it was an opinion and I respect that you have a different one. I would love to debate these two as it does make for an interesting conversation, but with the rules I do not think I can go into details in regards to the other software. I think we have to simply agree to disagree here.
I do see that skinning comes into the question. I will concur that has not yet come to start 11. Start 11 does seem to be on the home stretch as far as development goes. It is very possible that in about 2 weeks or so we will have more in depth conversations about Windowblinds 11 finally. I remain hopeful in Windowblinds, but am like you in wanting more details about the upcoming project
I get you fully mate, Customisation right now seems to be a two sided coin, WB on one side, and Themes on the other. Do not get me wrong, i do not hate Start11 (i own a copy), it seems up to the job and some. I think i like Themes so much now due to the fact that it is relatively new to me and has plenty to hold my attention being a Beta Tester (not to mention all the freebies they give me to facilitate this) I now think of my system as complete(for now) as i have done so much hardware upgrades and aesthetic touches to my whole Rig, and this is all thanks to Stardock not putting out a WB11 sooner.
I too wish we could debate the pros and cons of both as i respect fully anyone like yourself who has put in the hours playing with these formats, always good to hear another point of view based on hands on experience, but i can do without being hit by the rulebook so maybe another time, another place mate.
I do not even think we need to agree to disagree here. Your opinion is as Valid as mine, i value your input always as i know you will experiment with things and give good informative feedback. I will revisit Start11 at some point, but without a WB11 to give the full customisation effect, not just yet.
I really hope a bunch of work has already been done with any future WB11, but the replies' and analogies we see makes me feel otherwise, it seems the phrase "We can not do this, until they do that" is all we are going to get right now, so i hope your prediction proves to be more than just in depth conversations. Time passes and people without what they want will look and go elsewhere, i just hope WB11 brings back those like me, die hard WB fans, who strayed off the path and immersed themselves in the flip side of the customisation coin.