This week, in "science is cool," we have a new rocket launch from aerospace firm bluShift. Founded in 2014, this Brunswick, Maine based start-up company has devoted its research and development to creating a unique line of rockets powered by bio-derived fuels. Their goal has been to integrate multiple innovative technologies into a single motor for the first time ever, and also to use a sustainably farmed fuel that increases performance and mitigates impact on the environment.
In addition to being environmentally friendlier than traditional fuels, the fuel bluShift has developed is also safer to handle and easier to transport. Sunday's rocket launch was a milestone for the company, which has received grants from the Maine Technology Institute and NASA's Small Business Innovation Research program in order to fund its research. The low-altitude flight of a small sounding rocket, called Stardust 1.0, was the first of what the company hopes will be many launches.

Image credit: Knack Factory/Courtesy Aerospace
The rocket is a single-stage prototype, which can only carry about 18 pounds, and is designed to achieve suborbital space. What's particularly cool about this rocket is, even though it's small, it would be able to carry enough to put small research equipment up into suborbital space at costs that will put launches in a price range that small companies and academic institutions can feasibly afford. Although it is still just a prototype, Stardust 1.0 is also designed to be reusable.
bluShift is also working on Stardust 2.0, which will increase the payload capacity and act as a building block for other commercial rockets that will come after, including Starless Rogue, which is a two-stage launcher for suborbital missions. They are also developing Red Dware, which is a 3-stage, 66 pound capacity launch vehicle that will be able to reach low-Earth orbit.

Image credit: Knack Factory/Courtesy Aerospace
Initially, Sunday's launch seemed like it might not happen after all; the initial attempt saw the rocket's ignition light, but no takeoff. The second try didn't yield any results, although it seems that the saying "third time's a charm," held up true in this case because the launch finally happened late in the day with a flight the company says "went perfectly."
I'm curious - have you ever been to a rocket launch? I've always wanted to go witness one for myself; it's one dream trip on an ever-growing bucket list for me. If you've been, please share your experience with me!