Very good news.
This seems like a good start.
Count on me for the testing.
Maybe also ask the players what they would like to be able to change, within the limits of what you consider simple to achieve at first.
This would also allow to get feedback.
Need to fix a couple of bugs before I send it you for testing. Will PM you link.
Have implemented 'Tweaks' tool. Options so far.
Map Size - Starting Admins, and pretty much everything to with Map Size,
Government - only colony limit is exposed for editing atm , editing other options may require its own tool as it relies on other files.
Is there anything else you can think of to add that would fit the 'Tweaks' definition.
Okay, nice.

So far, I have briefly tested two changes:
The separation distance between two starbases:
In GalCiv3GlobalDefs.xml
The cost to rush buy:
In GalCiv3GlobalDefs.xml
I think that falls into the category of simple changes.
Another thing I would also like to be able to change is the way citizens are transferred to the planets.
From the pool of citizens to the capital, the transfer is instantaneous.
For the other planets, the transfer takes a certain amount of time depending on the distance of the destination planet from the capital.
(It is as if the citizen is first transferred from the citizen pool to the capital and then in a ship to the destination planet.)
I would like that in any case, the citizen is transferred instantaneously, so no ship and no delay.