So, been playing around with Rainmeter as mentioned previously in this thread. Decided to 'use' IceBabee's graphics from her WindowBlind Ultron, to have it matching and all. Took a while to sort out the different docks though but got there in the end. Started off with the Hard Drives and it ended up with a really long dock, so chopped it up a bit with 3 HDD's on each instead. (Just showing my oversized first try for comparison. )
As can be seen, decided to go with the Start Menu layout on the docks instead of the ones IceBabee has for boxes in the blind. Also, still trying to sort out the System Info a bit better, but for now that has to do.
Still have one dock left of Don5318's Rainmeter set, Dark Spirit, in an attempt to try and figure out how to make the Bar for the amount of GB shift colour when reaching certain percentage of the drive, like Orange once above 75% and then Red if getting over 90%. Still not figured it out though.