Hello Folks
i am loosing it. I should have been able to finish off my foes hours and playing hours ago. I have been pounding on this game for many hours and my durantium seems to be my problem. I am kicking a**, but I just cannot finish because I have no durantium. There is almost none to be found on the map in the first place, and I also seem to have a durantium leak. I try to build it up so I can buy legionnaires and take out the opposition. I look at the durantium icon on the top and it say I am generating 1.20 per week. As soon as I gather 2 it disappears, yet there is nothing there showing a weekly draw. I even spent a crap load of hard to accumulate money and bought 30 durantium from the market. Next thing I know it is all gone!
this game is getting tedious because I have to wait 10 weeks to buy a General so I can have 5 legionnaires. They only last a couple few planets, then it’s wait for turn week ten to buy another general. Administrators are becoming an issue as well because, of course, my transports die when my legionnaires are attrited to nothing.
is there somewhere I can read my weekly durantium expenditures, or is this a glitch?