Hi Sean,
thanks for getting back so swiftly. I am using different sets of Explorer windows on both Desktops to handle different stuff, and it doesn't always happen LITERALLY immediately, and moreover, I am not able to observe what exactly triggers that mixing and re-grouping of Explorer windows. So it might take a bit more than a sitting and waiting for it to happen . #jussayin .
As for the Sandbox, I would have to try, since I didn't ever use it before. Thanks for taking a look.
Concerning the respect - I totally get your point. It did exactly what I had in mind - to get your attention.
From my point of view, the flaw here isn't that I accuse 3rd party developers of things malfunctioning on a Microsoft Beta product that might be unstable in itself (which it barely is), and I didn't point that out at all or accuse you of that. What I did was making clear that I didn't like the way you handled my report - by simply stating that you don't support Insider Previews and not at least trying to verify that this might well exist due to different reasons (Microsoft, as pointed out, didn't change anything major on their Explorer, which is to follow within the next months or years, though). That you didn't hear from it before might just be down to that this is supposedly a rare use case - using two (virtual) Desktops and then having groups or single Explorer windows on each Desktop, constantly switching between the two Desktops.
Also, I can confirm that Microsoft does change things, break a few and then repair them for their next release (be it the official or the Preview ones), yes.
Thanks for taking care of it, at last .