Hi BelgianBro,
11. In the diplomacy screen, it would be nice to have an overview of where all your diplomats are. The ones dispatched and the ones working for your government, without having to look for them.
12. All the tabs on the top could be redone to represent different branches of your government. Keeping track of what ships you have, how many, where they are, how to upgrade them (at once) was a lot easier in gal civ II from what I remember.
Both of these have been an ongoing gripe of mine since day one. The sorting methods in this game do not compare to GC2 in any positive way. In particular, I would like to be able to sort the Uncolonized planets separately from the Colonized planets. Those two lists should not be programmatically connected in any way-- it should have a separate sorting algorithm. It doesn't even need to be seen all the time. Have a button/keystroke to toggle it like GC2, for example.
14. An auto-upgrade button on the planet screen so I can turn off auto upgrades. The manual stated that there was one in the colony tab of the civilization menu but I couldn't find it there either.
I have been begging for this since it was introduced. I don't want to have to remember to turn that blame thing off each time I colonize a planet. (You can turn it off on each planet by going into the Governor's screen. What a pain that is. And heaven help you if you forget.)
My Gripes
- I'd like to add, once again, that a dedicated key for cycling through ships would be a God-send. As it stands now, I have to open the Ship list and check movement and position to do that. Some would argue that there is a key for this, but if you hit it one too many times, you will accidentally start a new turn. That can be a devastating mistake. That key also cycles through things other than ships. Ships only, please.
- The Tech progress bar is broken. The only way to truly know how many turns remain to complete a tech is to go to the Tech Tree. This is especially true if you happen upon an anomaly that gives a percentage tech bonus. I've seen it say "1 Turn Remaining", then change that value upwards on the next turn!
- The Planet list no longer updates when values (morale, for example) change. It used to work in previous versions. Go to a planet, rush an Entertainment Center, and the Planet list will not have changed. The only way to know the current status is to click another tab, then go back to the Planets list for it to update properly. The same error exists with the Current Build progress bar.
- A designated Designer button. I don't design ships that often but when I do, I don't want to have to travel through a Shipyard to get there. I'm sure those of you who use the Designer a lot are frustrated by all this extra, unnecessary clicking.
- Get the Citizen actions all put under the Citizens tab. As it stands now, managing citizens is split between the Civilizations screen and the Citizens screen. Why? They are not Leaders, they are Citizens with a focus (eg, Social or Research). Maybe I'm missing something here.
Someone on this forum mentioned that it would be nice if SD fixed things instead of adding more broken stuff and I couldn't agree more. (Microsoft needs to learn this lesson, as well.)
My list could get very long but I'll leave it at that for now.
Thanks for listening,