I don't know if this would be technically feasible but I'd really like to be able to view (and, if possible, restore/empty) the contents of my Recycle Bin from a fence. Basically, a Folder Portal but for the Recycle Bin.
You can actually already do this.
1. Open the PowerShell or Command Prompt and enter the following command:
wmic useraccount get name,sid
Copy your user account's SID
2. Now go to your desktop. Right click on your desktop and select New > Shortcut.
Copy and paste the following as the location of the item:
Replace the SID above with whatever your user account's SID is that you saved earlier.
3. Now just drag your new icon anywhere on your desktop WHILE PRESSING ALT. Doing this will automatically create a new folder portal with the shortcut's target location. You will now have folder portal of your recycle bin.
You must do it as instructed above or it will not work. Copy and pasting the Recycle Bin path directly in "Create Folder Portal Here" dialog will NOT work. Using the native Windows Recycle Bin icon will NOT work. You MUST create a custom Recycle Bin shortcut as outlined above, and MUST use Alt + Drag on it to create the Folder Portal.
You can make a shortcut to automatically empty your recycle bin as well.
1. Just create a PowerShell file called "Empty Recycle Bin.ps1" on your desktop (the name can be whatever you want so long as it has a .ps1 extension), and just add the following line to it:
Clear-RecycleBin -Force
It will automatically empty your recycle bin when you run it.