In no particular order or want:
1. Make "Configure Fences" Not the top item for the desktop context menu item. You also seem to take over the native view and sort options of the context menu. All the fences items should be under a sub menu.
2. Make "Layout Snapshots" actually work. Has never, ever worked. Also give it a better interface to manage snapshots. Also there is no management for the "remember stuff for different resolutions"
3. Fix whatever the stupid bug is that makes dragging an icon into a fence just place it on the desktop in that area, and not actually in the fence group.
4. Fix the bug where sometimes icons in a fence go entirely missing?
5. Make it easier to adjust the color/style of a single fence without having to go into the (badly laid out) settings, and select the fence from a drop menu, then play with the settings, when there is a perfectly good context menu on the fence its self. (You have a context menu, and the hamburger icon, and half of the style stuff is under view already? Why not a "pick colors" option and throw up a modal, or just a deep link into your config app with the correct fence picked?)
6. Improve the organization of your Setting/Configure interface. Things are kind of all over, and there are too many "links" that just have some info in a popup modal. I will give you a +1 on having the animation pictures of what the thing on the page configures, that is something more apps need to copy.
7. Spend some time giving some love to inner workings of the Folder Portal system. Its really great... except when it breaks. Which is often. and silently. Seriously, throw some error text in an empty folder fence when the source folder its points at doesnt exist, dont just show an empty fence.
8. Allow bottom fence titles for fences that are not snapped to the top of the screen. Allow top titles for fences that ARE snaped to the top of the screen.
9. Allow per fence icon size alteration for non-folder fences. Attempting this right now bubbles the action to the OS, and changes all of them, including desktop icons.
10. Emoji support in fence titles. Come on, its 2018 (likely 2020 by the time Fences 4 comes out)