I have started several games with the op-in to check various things. I never reached 100 turns before starting a new game. That may explain some of the things I'm about to report.
The Yor haven't built a farm, and they haven't destroyed any arable land. They still have empty places to build, so they may not feel the need to destroy any arable land. I probably need to play more turns. As Moser_Alchemist mentioned in Reply #1, they only grow at 0.1 instead of 1, so it takes a long time to increase population. At least they no longer need Promethion. They are building population. Before this version they rarely built population because they rarely managed to build starbases to mine the Durantium and Promethion they needed. I haven't checked to see if they are still building empty colony ships that they can't launch because they don't have enough population.
The Onyx Hive and Slyne, silicon-base races that don't need food, also haven't built any farms or destroyed any arable land. Like the Yor, they still have vacant land available.
The hydroponic farm added in this version has a build cost of zero. Is this correct? At least two races have built it. It is also in the list of things that the Yor, Onyx Hive and Slyne can build. They can't use it, so why is it there?
Maybe someone needs to review all the things about food and population to be sure that races aren't dealing with things they can't use. This includes food and food bonuses for the Yor, Onyx Hive and Slyne and population bonuses for the Yor. Also, the Yor are willing to trade things for techs that allow them to increase their morale. Since their moral is always 100%, the techs are useless to them, and they should reject them in trades.
I haven't seen anyone build a starbase to mine/research the Bazaar, so that is fixed. I have seen them build a starbase that includes the Bazaar in its AOE, but that was because that was the best place for the starbase to be to include all the resources and artifacts in the area. Before this version they would carefully place the starbase to get one or more things they could mine or research and include the Bazaar. Now they ignore the Bazaar. However, they still know it exists and will hire Mercenaries.