Guys, if you stopped using ObjectDock, then more power to you, but to come on the forum, complain about the Dock, then say it doesn't matter 'coz I've switched, well, that is kindofa cop-out. Either you are here asking for a solution from Stardock or you are not - saying "yeah, I liked it a while back, but I don't use now, so please fix it, but I am still using something else" sort of sends mixed messages, doesn't it?
I would like a fix. I would like to see someone take up the banner and keep Object dock up to date. Alternately, if it really is abandonware, for Stardock to release the code on GNU community and let some fans have a go (not me, not a programmer). Sure I could use Rocket Dock, but I happen to have been using ObjectDock for what seems to me to be at least a decade or more (is it really that long since Stardock started skinning? I was an early customer, but frankly, I don't remember how long ago that was - only that I wanted to recreate my SGI environment on a PeeCee after being forced to switch from Unix) and yeah, I am used to it, it is now an integral part of my work environment. Is it a bit buggy at times? Yup - sometimes I need to kill it and restart it, but that was something that was true in all versions of Windoze since I was forced to move to it, which means XP, 7, etc. So here I am, hoping someone will come up with a solution, not saying to Stardock, yeah, it needs a fix, but I don't need it, thanks all the same. That simply is not constructive. You are telling them that anything they do is a wasted effort, and that isn't nice or fair on them or on those who DO want a solution and are grateful if they make the effort. At this point they are not making any money off of this, so yes, it IS out of the goodness of their hearts and their desire to please loyal clients that they might try to fix it, so don't muck them and us about.