Hi Altak,
I am doing something very, very wrong.
I started an easy game: Huge map, Normal difficulty, 6 opponents. Game version is 3.05.
I have all the game settings set to whatever is closest to an average-- not abundant, and not rare.
I wanted to try this out without having distractions by other Civs.
I'm at turn 97, or so, and am making about 145bc per turn-- nowhere near what you are getting.
I just got my 11th planet and soon will have 12.
I have a Port of Call on all of them along with an adjacent Missionary Center. I'm also building Culture Centers as they become available.
In a previous message you wrote:
After the initial stages i focus on tourism and some gov to facilitate rapid expansion when i start buying planets. Plus some morale boosting techs (but once you can buy everything, morale isn't such an issue). Other than that i mostly trade/buy techs from the AI.
I feel stupid not being able to figure this out, but here goes:
- What do you consider to be the "initial stages"? A list of techs you prioritize in the early game would be helpful
- What do you consider to be "must-have" techs?
- Which government do you like the best?
- What Ideology do you prefer for this strategy?
I've tried three different Civs including the Yor, and my results are always the same-- about 150bc at turn 100
I'm sure I could bombard you with tons of questions, but I'll cut you some slack 
Like I said, I am doing something terribly wrong.
Thanks for your time,