Scavenger Race : The Karr'eb-Za
The Karr'eb-Za are a sentient humanoid/frog/spider machine race who are extremely hostile. They are so enamored by technology that they spend most of their time integrating it into their own bodies. They consider non-cyborg races totally inferior and repulsive. For all their cybernetics they still believe it is taboo to enhance their sentience with Artificial Intelligence.
Star ship Design : Web Wing

The Karr'eb-Za Web Wing star ship functions are a high speed raiding vessel. It is armed with four rapid fire machine plasma cannons and a reflective kinetic shield that, while active reflects all incoming and nearby moving projectiles.
Home world : Karr'arb-Na
The Karr'eb-Za home world is completely uninhabitable without unnatural and extensive life support facilities called Gen domes. The resources on the planet are utterly exhausted as well, so when the Karr'eb-Za aren't mining asteroids, they are often raiding the other races they believe are inferior. The other races also provide a vital supply of nutritional sustenance.
The atmosphere is so thick with smog and pollutants, violent thunder storms plague the planet. The Karr'eb-Za harness the thunder storms with large facilities called Narb generators.
Government : Karr'eb-Za
The Karr'eb-Za possess a naturally hive-like mentality. Their government is ruled by the 12 great Houses. Each House is ruled by a Queen mother who is responsible for her brood. The brood law is the same for each house and punishment is brutal. Any deviation from common Karr'eb-Za practice or questioning the authority of the Queen mother can mean death. The 12 Queens are large and immobile but communicate with each other through the use of technology.