How can I get my registration / product key information
Table of contents
Getting your products and keys
I just purchased but its not showing up in 'My Downloads'
Changing your email address
Changing your username or password for your account
How do I merge two accounts
How do I close and account
Reprinting Invoices
The Stardock installer failed sent me here
Missing 'Activate' button
How to activate your product with the current activation method
How to activate offline
How to activate with the legacy style of activation (Pre 2014)
How to review your current activation's
How do I deactivate my product? (use this if you have reached a maximum).
How to install /activate our current software with the command prompt
How to deactivate our current software with the command prompt
Redeeming your Steam key for a Stardock game (and some software from our vendor partners)
Why is my Steam version (purchased there) asking for a product key?
What is the activation server address and port
I did not receive my verification or trial activation email
How Do I Perform A Manual Activation
Do you have an offline activation method for a trial
Error activating the product: cannot read SID / Error code 205
Keeps asking to activate even after activation
Error 212
Activation window buttons do not respond to clicks
Adding activations to an existing key (corp products only)
Getting purchased products and keys
When you make a purchase from the Stardock store, you'll have the option to log in (if you already have an account), create an account or check out as a guest (no account is created). In any case, you will receive an email with instructions on how to download your products and keys.
Below will detail the methods to use for getting your products and keys at a later date depending on how you purchased (account or guest checkout).
Accessing Products Through Email
After any purchase, the following link can be used to have product installers and keys emailed to the email account that purchased them:

While this page will work for both account holders and Guest Checkout purchase, that page is the only way a Guest Checkout purchase can retrieve products and keys at a later date if they have lost their receipt.
Accessing Products Through a Stardock Account
If you have a Stardock account, you can access it here. If you don't have a Stardock account, you can create one here. You can also use that page to convert a Guest Checkout email to a full account by just supplying a password (and replying to a subsequent verification email).
All of the purchases you've made through our store can be found in this location. Also, if you have an Object Desktop or WinCustomize membership, you can easily check how many days you have left of your membership.

Purchases not showing up in 'My Downloads'
With the exception of Object Desktop purchases, no product will appear in your account under ‘My Downloads’ until the product has been activated at least once. Once activated that 1st time, it will then show under ‘My Downloads' under the account that activated it.
Please also see this article for how to have your product installers and keys emailed to you:
Getting purchased products and keys
If you do not find a solution, a ticket can be created for this issue type here.
Changing your email address
If you want to change your account information, please visit the site below to access your Stardock account:
Even if you no longer have access to the email address you used to set up your account with Stardock, you can still use it to log in and change it here. You can use this site to change other account information as well.
If you no longer remember your password, you can reset it here:
For password resets where you no longer have access to an old email address, we can update your account for you. For verification purposes, we require at least two of the following:
Click here to create a ticket to submit them with your request.
Changing your username or password for your account
While logged into your account, click your avatar image in the upper right of the page, then 'Settings':

From the 'Login' tab, you will be able to change them:

If you do not find a solution, a ticket can be created for this issue type here.
Merging two accounts
If you have access to both email accounts, you can merge your registrations here:
If you do not have access to both accounts, we will need information for both accounts such as one of the following:
Click here to submit them.
How do I close an account?
If you would like to remove all of your information from Stardock, please use the form linked here.
Reprinting Invoices
Clients with an existing Stardock account
After logging into the Stardock store ( and selecting "Order History", you can view order invoices and refunds for your account.
Clients that used Guest checkout
You can upgrade to a full Stardock account using the email address you used to purchase here (you set any password you like there):
You can then access your purchase(s) \ invoice(s) here:
If you do not find a solution, a ticket can be created for this issue type here.
Missing Activate button
While very rare, and because of some security settings on some PCs, the 'Activate' button is missing on the activation prompt:

With this window up, use the Tab key to highlight that area:

Press 'Enter' on your keyboard with it highlighted to proceed.
The other option is to reset your Internet Options so that the button shows henceforth. Directions for that can be found here.
Activating Stardock Software
For purchases made directly from Stardock, you can get your key(s) from here:
Activation Via In-app Prompt
The images in this example will show Fences but the dialogue and the procedure will look and be the same regardless of the product. If your activation method does not look like any of the images below, please click here.

To activate, click the 'Enter Product Key' button.

Enter in the product key you received and your email address and click 'Activate'. If you do not have your product key, you can go here for instructions on how to retrieve it.
If you already have an account and have activated the product previously, you can click the 'Stardock Account' option at the bottom to activate with your Stardock account credentials instead.
If the activation is successful, you will see a dialog stating so.
Offline Activation
If there is a problem activating, you may see the following:

In this case, your Internet connection may be functioning but your ability to connect to the activation server may be blocked. Click the 'Offline Activation' button to proceed.

Click 'Save Activation Request'. A dialog will prompt you to save the .req file. Save it to a location of your choosing. You will then see the following:

If your machine is able to access you can go there and upload the .req file which will give you a .resp file to save to your computer. You can then click the 'Select Activation Response' button to browse to where the .resp file is saved. This will complete the activation.
If you are not able to access from the machine you are activating on, you will need to bring the .req file to a machine that has internet and complete the process there and then bring the .resp back to the machine you wish to activate on. The .resp file can also be loaded using the 'select offline file' option as seen on the initial activation screen in the second image at the top of this webpage above.
If you receive any errors trying to upload the req file or download the resp file (404 errors), please try another web browser like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge, or Firefox
Troublshooting Activation Issues
Please see:
Offline / Manual activation
If there is a problem activating, you may see the following:

In this case, your Internet connection may be functioning but your ability to connect to the activation server may be blocked somehow. Click the 'Offline Activation' button to proceed.

Click the 'Save Activation Request' button. A dialog will come up asking you to save the .req file. Save it to a location of your choosing. You will then see the following:

If your machine is able to access you can go there and upload the .req file which will give you a .resp file to save to your computer. You can then click the 'Select Activation Response' button to browse to where the .resp file is saved. This will complete the activation.
If you are not able to access from the machine you are activating on, you will need to bring the .req file to a machine that has internet and complete the process there and then bring the .resp back to the machine you wish to activate on. The .resp file can also be loaded using the 'select offline file' option as seen on the initial activation screen in the second image at the top of this webpage above.
If you receive any errors trying to upload the req file, or download the resp file (404 errors), please try other web browser like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Edge or Firefox
Note: The req file must be created the PC needing the activation, and the subsequent resp file can only be used to activate that PC, not any others.
VIDEO: Creation of the .REQ file on the PC that needs activation
VIDEO: Submit the .REQ file from PC with internet access at
VIDEO: Submit the downloaded .RESP file, finish on PC that needs activation
Activating Stardock Software (Pre-2014)
If the prompt for activation does not come up when launching the product, typically there will be an option to activate within the 'Help' section of the configuration menu for the application. Note that in this example Fences is used but the options will look the same for the other products.
Select the "Unlock" button.

Select the "I have a serial number" button and fill in the form.

Fill out the form. Note that the product key is the same thing as the serial number.

Select ‘Register’
How to review and manage your current activations
Clients with an existing Stardock account
To view your current activations and which PC they're activated to, click below and log in:
Once logged in, you can click View Product Keys, for example:

Then click the '…' icon
A window will then display the requested information:

(From here you can also deactivate the activated PC's)
Guest checkout purchases (no account)
Create an account using the email used for purchase:
Then use the process detailed above.
Order History Method
Primarily used for resellers, this option is best used for people who do not have the actual products registered under their accounts, but made the actual purchase of the products.
Login to your Stardock account and select Order History:

From this page, click the “Download Product Key Status .CSV
Open the file in Excel, or similar program:

Under the Registered To column, it will display the name of the computers that the product is activated on. (NOTE: in this example, the product is not activated)
How to deactivate Stardock products
There may be times when you want to deactivate a Stardock product on one PC so you can activate it on another.
Stardock Website Deactivation
This method is especially useful if you had PC issues that prevented you from deactivating from within the app.
Clients with Stardock accounts
For clients with accounts (did not use 'Guest Checkout'), you can deactivate products from your account page using the link:

Guest Checkout Clients
If you do not have an account (used guest checkout), you can still create an account here to use this feature:
Use the same email and whatever password you like.
Within a Product
From the machine you wish to deactivate, open the configuration for the application and then go to the help/about section and then click the following (Start11 is shown in the following example):

On the window that comes up, click the 'Deactivate Local Machine' button and then click 'Deactivate'. This will free the activation up so you can activate on another machine of your choosing.

The 'Update Product Key' option would allow you to specify a new key to attempt the activation with. This would be applicable if another license was purchased and you wanted to activate with that product key.
Silent Installation & Activation
Silent Install
Not available for Steam versions
Running any app installer via a command line with /s switch will silently install.
Adding /noreboot will not reboot the machine post-install.
After any install (manual or silent) is done, the Stardock Activation window is shown as well as the config UI or the app:

If your desire it to have an end-to-end silent install \ activation, in your script after the silent install, you would include the following before any silent activation.
taskkill /f /im Fences.exe
taskkill /f /im SdDisplay.exe
Silent Activation
Not available for Steam versions
Most of Stardock's current applications can be activated via the command prompt. The command line option will activate the application without exposing the application or activation UI.
Command line example
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\Start11"\SASUpgrade.exe -prodId=2663 -prodName="Start11" -company="Stardock" -ver="1.0" -email="USER@USER.COM" serial="PRODUCTKEYGOESHERE"
The internal Stardock product ID is unique to every product line
The Stardock issued product name. This must be accurate. (Example: Fences4 <-note no space in name and version)
For Stardock products, this will always be “Stardock”. Do not enter your company name or the activation will fail.
The version being installed.
The serial \ product key for the registration.
Email address of the account the current registration is activated under or the email account it is to be attached to if activating for the 1st time
Stardock Product IDs
‘ProdID’ and ‘ProdName’ table for command line activation
Product | ProdName | ProdID |
Cursor FX 4 | CursorFX | 2651 |
Curtains | Curtains | 2654 |
DeskScapes 10 | DeskScapes | 2646 |
DeskScapes 8 | DeskScapes | 2268 |
Fences 2 | Fences2 | 2240 |
Fences 3 | Fences3 | 2628 |
Fences 4 | Fences4 | 2664 |
Fences 5 | Fences5 | 2675 |
Groupy | Groupy | 2644 |
Groupy 2 | Groupy2 | 2670 |
Launch 8 | Launch8 | 2276 |
Modern Mix | ModernMix | 2271 |
Multiplicity 3 KM/KVM/Pro | Multiplicity | 2283 |
Multiplicity 4 | Multiplicity | 2684 |
ObjectDock | ObjectDock | 1169 |
ObjectDock 3 | ObjectDock | 2682 |
Sound Packager 10 | SoundPackager | 2653 |
Space Monger | SpaceMonger | 2625 |
Start 10 | Start10 | 2623 |
Start 11 v1 | Start11 | 2663 |
Start11 v2 | Start11 | 2674 |
Start 8 | Start8 | 2267 |
Tiles | Tiles | 1942 |
WindowBlinds 11 | WindowBlinds | 2667 |
WindowsBlinds 10 | WindowBlinds | 2630 |
WindowBlinds 8 | WindowBlinds | 2272 |
WindowFX | WindowFX | 2245 |
Activaiton Verification
If a command line activation was successful, a product-specific license.sig file will be created in the app-appropriate folder in\ProgramData\Stardock. For example, a successful Start11 activation will have a license.sig file created in:
Example Video
The example video below is for Fences but can be used for any of the apps above:
How to deactivate with the command prompt
Most of Stardock's current applications can be deactivated via the command prompt. The command line option will deactivate the application without exposing the application or activation UI.Command line example
Fences 4
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Stardock\Fences\SdDisplay.exe" -deactivate -prodID=2664 -prodName="Fences4" -company="Stardock" -prodVer="4.00"
The internal Stardock product ID is unique to every product line
The Stardock issued product name. This must be accurate.
For Stardock products, this will always be “Stardock”. Do not enter your company name or the activation will fail.
The version being installed.
Stardock Product IDs
Product | ProdName | ProdID |
Cursor FX 4 | CursorFX | 2651 |
Curtains | Curtains | 2654 |
DeskScapes 10 | DeskScapes | 2646 |
DeskScapes 8 | DeskScapes | 2268 |
Fences 2 | Fences2 | 2240 |
Fences 3 | Fences3 | 2628 |
Fences 4 | Fences4 | 2664 |
Groupy | Groupy | 2644 |
Groupy 2 | Groupy2 | 2670 |
Launch 8 | Launch8 | 2276 |
Modern Mix | ModernMix | 2271 |
Multiplicity 3 KM/KVM/Pro | Multiplicity | 2283 |
ObjectDock Plus (v2) | ObjectDock | 1169 |
ObjectDock 3 | ObjectDock | 2682 |
Sound Packager 10 | SoundPackager | 2653 |
Space Monger | SpaceMonger | 2625 |
Start 10 | Start10 | 2623 |
Start 11 | Start11 | 2663 |
Start 8 | Start8 | 2267 |
Tiles | Tiles | 1942 |
WindowBlinds 11 | WindowBlinds | 2667 |
WindowsBlinds 10 | WindowBlinds | 2630 |
WindowBlinds 8 | WindowBlinds | 2272 |
WindowFX | WindowFX | 2245 |
Deactivation Verification
If a command line deactivation was successful, a product-specific license.sig file will be removed from the app-appropriate folder in\ProgramData\Stardock. For example, a successful Start11 activation will no longer have a license.sig file created in:
Redeeming a Steam Key
If you purchased a Stardock game / DLC from us, purchased certain products from one of our software partners, or received a gift key for registering, you will do so via the Steam client.
For Steam games purchased directly from Stardock, you can get your Steam key from here:
For any Steam product that was purchased from one of our software partners, you need to refer to your receipt to get your key. If you no longer have your receipt, you will need to contact the vendor directly.
You will need the Steam client open (not the Steam website) to be able to activate the game. (obtain the Steam client here: )
Once you have your Steam key and Steam installed, open Steam. At the bottom left click ‘Add a game’ and select ‘Activate a Product on Steam’
The Sins game pictured is just an example:

Next, you have a new window with a couple of screens with agreements, instructions, etc. You will then be prompted to enter your key.

After that, you will get confirmation and install info screens.

That’s just about it. You can click the downloading area at the bottom of Steam to open up your downloads, and you can also view them from your Steam library.

If your game/software is already in your Steam library, you do not need to do this.
Why is my Steam version asking for a product key?
While rare, sometimes a Steam version of our software products (not games) will prompt for a product key when it should not.
It's important that
If the above fails, uninstall/reinstall from within Steam (and only from within Steam) and try again.
What is the activation server address and port
Did not receive verification or trial activation email
Please try the following:
Do you have an offline activation method for a trial?
For problems with activation pertaining to a trial version, unfortunately, we do not currently have have an offline activation system in place.
In lieu of being able to experience the trial, if you purchase the product (which does have an offline activation method), and it does not meet your needs, we will refund it.
Error: Cannot read SID (Error code 205)
You may see this if you have the older style of activation:

You may see this with the newer style of activation:

This can happen when your computer name has non-Western characters or symbols in it. To avoid this, you would need to change the name of your computer so that it contains only Western characters and then try to activate it again.
Error: 212 or Product Keeps Prompting to Activate
Even after a successful activation of a Stardock product, the client will keep being prompted to activate - immediately or over time.
Press the Windows key and "R" at the same time. A "Run" dialog box will pop up, please paste the path below into the "Open" field and press OK:
In the folder that pops up, you should see a folder named PRODUCTNAME (<-- the product that is giving you the error). Please delete this folder and all of its contents.
After you have deleted that folder, please attempt to activate it once again and it should succeed without any errors.
Activation window buttons do not respond to clicks
After entering in the proper credentials to activate a product, the buttons to proceed to not respond to clicks.
There are components of IE (Internet Explorer) in that window. If you have restrictions on IE (some do), the 'Activate' but may fail to respond to clicks. The options are:
Do a search for ‘Internet Options'

Security → Medium → Apply →

An alternate option would be to use the command line activation method.
Click here to see command line activation directions
Note: The command line method will not work for a trial - only for the paid version of the product. This process will also not work for Steam version of Stardock apps.
Adding activations to an existing key (single key only)
Existing Stardock Account
You can log into your account and purchase additional activations for any key - for example:

If you are a reseller trying to purchase additional activations for a client and their key, go to the product page for the product and select the business option. From here click on the Add activation to an existing key link found under the Single Key and Multiple Keys options

This will then take to a page to validate the user key and continue the order process