So I've seen a couple videos of this game, but things keep changing. What kind of infrastructure are you guys building to get started?
Based on my Company of Heroes days, I know that getting started properly is key to an RTS game, and it seems to be key here too. What build orders are out there? Is there any universally accepted things?
I'm using my first engineer to capture and build a factory, or sometimes an extractor, while capturing. But I haven't been able to get a second capture done. Whatever, that's fine. So I need to build a factory and get some units out, so I build a factory and then I build brutes which are capable of taking on small groups of neutrals, and then I add an archer to 3 brutes usually and it becomes a better fighting force, and then I go forward with that ratio. Then I forget to build a quantum relay because I usually forget quantum abilities anyway. I've started trying to get a obstructor or denier or whatever the thing is that stops orbital abilities, because the AI attacked me with them once and it was just horrible. 
Anyway, how many factories do I build at first, or do I wait? I can see an advantage to waiting until I can build a forward factory.
I've had better success allowing the factory to build units on repeat rather than using the army recruit feature - but that makes it feel like other games again, and I rather liked the recruit feature... but it doesn't balance the armies I'm recruiting to, and one gets them all.
Anyway, I'm having fun against the Easy AI and I got a win against Intermediate AI on a Tiny map (fringe) which was nice, but it'd be nice to play with or against people about that skill.