Before buying any program, you want to check your computer's specs against the specs for the program.
To check your computer's tech specs (without Speccy): For example, to see what version of DirectX you're running:
1. Click start then run (Or Press Window Button + R to open run)
Then type "dxdiag". Then click Yes and you will see your computers specs
2. Then, you can see what version of DirectX you're running (Affinity requires minimum DirectX 10 or above), wait for "dxdiag" to run and then
go to the Display tab and on the right side see Version: (ex. 10.05.1337 - just a number I made up).
You must have AT LEAST 10.xx.xxxx or higher for Affinity to run.
Also, you might want to wait until the fall when Luminar (currently only for Mac) for Windows comes out...