+1 for numbers 3 & 4
5) I would also like to see a numerical value of the number of turns until a technology is completed in the technology progress bar (upper left corner). As it is now, you have to mouse over to see the number of turns. This behavior already exists if you select your planets, you will see a small number indicating the number of turns until the item in the build queue is finished.
Put a numeric indicator here:
6) The ability to escape out of all the diplomacy windows. So if I'm negotiating with an empire and dislike the trade suggestion, I can just hit escape to exit back to the previous menu without having to scroll the mouse. This ability already exists if you open just the FIRST diplomacy window, you can escape out of that, but you cannot escape from the next level of diplomacy windows.
We can escape from this window:
We cannot escape from this window:
7) The ability to double click a technology in the EXPANDED tech tree, which selects the tech and then closes the window. This behavior already exists if you are using the non-expanded window. Double-click a tech and that becomes your current research and it closes the window. Just some consistency here.
We can double-click and exit from this window:
We cannot double-click in this window:
8) In the trade windows, please list Specialization techs and Optimization techs by the specialization/optimization name, not the sub-tech. The user can then hover over these names to see which sub-tech is available. This will make it easier to see which specialization/optimization techs are available for trade without having to hover over every specialization tech to see which one we already have.
List the techs in the trade window with the name such as Diplomatic Optimization:
Not Economic Treaty: